In my current role, I have a dedicated group of Principal Officials supported by a political cadre as my immediate team. 以我目前的岗位,我有一班尽忠职守的政治任命主要官员辅助施政,当然还有一支全球最优秀的公务员队伍支援协助。
We should ensure that strict procedures are followed in the exercise of power, and tighten oversight over the exercise of power by leading officials, especially principal leading officials. 严格规范权力行使,加强对领导干部特别是主要领导干部行使权力的监督。
Today I am being sworn into office together with principal officials of the fourth-term Government and members of the Executive Council. I trust that my team will work together harmoniously and dedicate themselves to serving the community. 今天我和第四届政府的主要官员和行政会议成员宣誓就职,我相信我们的团队必定能够互相砥砺,并肩合作,尽心尽力为香港市民服务。
I, together with the principal officials of the SAR government and all civil servants, will redouble our efforts to strive in this direction for Hong Kong and our country. 我和特区政府主要官员及全体公务员,会朝这机遇为香港为国家加倍努力奋斗。
These are the qualities which I, and the Principal Officials under the Accountability System in future, would wish to preserve. 这些优点是我和日后的问责官员极希望能够保留的。
Including the three Secretaries of Departments, following the restructuring, there will be14 Principal Officials covered by the Accountability System. 加上三位司长,纳入问责制的主要官员职位一共有14个。
In implementing the Accountability System, the Chief Executive will be devolving further his authority to the 14 Principal Officials. 推行问责制,行政长官会进一步向14位主要官员下放权力。
Firstly, principal officials will review their working priorities to tie in with the overall policy agenda of the government as mentioned above. 首先,主要官员会因应上文所述的施政重点,检讨他们的工作优次。
While the principal officials are responsible for different policy areas, they collectively discuss important policy decisions and co-ordinate with each other in implementing policies. 各主要官员分工负责不同的范畴,集体商议重大决策,互相配合落实推行。
I shall work with my Principal Officials to map out a strategy to achieve these objectives. 我将与特区主要官员共商策略,达成上述目标。
All principal officials will continue to carry out their duties. 所有主要官员亦将会继续紧守岗位。
The restructured system will give the Principal Officials a clear understanding of their respective responsibility, strengthen solidarity, enhance the internal working relationship and smoothen co-operation. 重组政府架构,目的是使问责官员更明确掌握自己的责任,更加紧密团结,工作更协调和更加顺畅。
The Principal Officials will place importance on public opinion; they will make further efforts to gauge public sentiments; they will be proactive in facing the public, and in gaining the trust and support from the public through delivering results. 问责官员重视民意,更加体察民情和勇于面对市民大众,以政绩表现赢取市民大众的信任和支持。
Ten information officers have been posted to the private offices of principal officials to act as their press secretaries. 现时共有十位新闻主任调任主要官员私人办公室,出任他们的新闻秘书。
After all, lending rates, averaging less than 6 per cent, are low and most infrastructure loans have no principal due for several years, well beyond the tenure of most local officials. 毕竟,平均不到6%的贷款利率并不高,而大部分基础设施建设贷款的本金要数年后才会到期,远远超过了多数地方官员的任期。
As for the popularity of principal officials, their relative rankings have been rather stable, except that Yeoh Eng-kiong and Michael Suen have fallen to the bottom and near-bottom of the ladder, obviously due to the SARS investigation and the sale of Hunghom peninsula. 问责官员的民望,各人的评分排名可算变化不大,但杨永强及孙明扬则分别跌至榜末及接近榜末,明显是受到沙士调查和出售红湾半岛事件有关。
The purpose of introducing an Accountability System is to enable Principal Officials of the HKSAR Government to assume responsibility for their policy portfolios, to share a common agenda and to have clear directions. 推行问责制,目的是要令特区政府的主要官员,为他们的施政承担起责任;
In my2000 policy address, I proposed that the HKSAR government should examine the possibility of introducing a new accountability system for principal officials. 我在二零零零年《施政报告》中,提出特区政府应研究引入一套新的主要官员问责制度。
All principal officials under the accountability system will be appointed to the executive council. 所有纳入问责制的主要官员都会获委任为行政会议成员。
The reform on the principal officials 'accountability system has been carried out since July, 2002 in Hong Kong special administrative region. 香港特区政府于2002年7月开始实行主要官员问责制改革。
It shows for the first time in the history of political development in Hong Kong that the government and principal officials must come up to and answer for the public opinion. 它在香港政治发展的历史上首次彰明,政府及其主要官员要以民意为依归,要向民意负责。
The Principal Officials Accountability System of HongKong emerges, as the times require. 首届特区政府施政过程中面临和出现的一些问题,也进一步激发了市民对政府问责的要求,香港主要官员问责制度(简称香港问责制)应运而生。
The Principal Officials Accountability System set up by the Hong Kong government in July 2002 is an important reform in public policy system. 高官问责制是香港特区政府为了适应新的行政环境而在2002年7月进行的公共政策体制的重要改革。
The Reform on the Principal Officials 'Accountability System of Government in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特区政府的问责制改革
Thereupon, Chinese martial arts film could be divided into two basic pedigree of characters: the good images which took the heroes as the principal part and the evil images which took the treacherous court officials as the principal part. 由此,中国的武侠电影划分为两个最基本的人物谱系:即以英雄义士为主体的善的形象和以奸臣贼子为主体的恶的形象。
He has identities of a teacher, school principal, government officials, and enterprise managers, so pay attention to educational and social programs to promote each other. 他具有教师、校长、政府官员、企业经理等多种身份,注重办学与社会事业的互相推动。
Third, to accountability officials as the main body of the principal officials of the accountability of the code of the main content. 第三,以问责制官员为主体的《问责制主要官员守则》的主要内容。